When a person is looking for a job the job search process has changed. People do not cold call a company and ask if they are hiring. People turn to the internet and do a job search. Many job boards allow a person to browse new jobs and apply without a problem. Father George Rutler is embracing this new technology and how people search for jobs.
These job sites allow a person to network with other professionals. They can make connections, share informative articles, and get insight into the field. This will also allow a person to be one of the first to hear about any job openings. They will be able to search for the connection they have made and learn about the new position. This is very useful when looking for employment. During the job search, it may be important who a person knows and online connections are a great place to begin.
Specific Jobs
A person will be able to search for the specific job they are looking for. They can enter the extracted keyword and there will be a list of jobs that fit this. In addition to the keyword, a person will be able to search by location and they will be able to specify what they are looking for.
When new jobs are posted that fit a job search these sites will notify a person right away. They will get an email or other alert that there is a new job to apply to. This will allow a person to have the best chances to get a job and apply for all of the open positions they are interested in.
These sites will allow a person to target a specific employer. If there is a company they want to work for they can see all of the open positions. They do not have to take the time to sort through companies they are not interested in and they do not want to be involved with. If a person is looking for a specific company this is a great way to find them and check out the open positions.
Skill Set
A person will be able to search for jobs by the skills that they have. They can enter the search with these specific skills in mind. They can also search for positions with the highest degree they competed in or certification program. This will allow a person to find something that matches the skills and something that will match their training.
The application process is easy. A person will upload their resume, click a button, and the job application is complete.
These are some ways that sites such as Indeed and LinkedIn can help a person with the job search. Father George Rutler feels that a person can use sites such as LinkedIn and Indeed to help them find and apply for jobs. They will be able to search for a specific job and will be able to apply within a matter of minutes.