Strategy-Making in Turbulent Times

Strategy-Making in Turbulent Times

Composing great strategies for businesses and the workplace is among the frustrating tasks during turbulent times. Most organizational leaders are confused about the right strategy to curb their possible threats during this time. All their efforts end up unsuccessful, but a new strategy can work out well with the right approach. Luckily, this post will discuss various ways of making good strategies during turbulent times discussed by Helen Lee Schifter. Read on!

Accept the Circumstances

Helen Lee Schifter explains that individuals behave differently in stressful circumstances. Most people fail to accept the reality of events. Afterward, they deny that they are facing turbulent times. This denial further alters their positive functions. Thus, Hellen explains that everyone should accept all situations in life. She adds that some things are out of our control, and we should have a pace for all changes. Also, she explains that although it can be hard, accepting the circumstances creates new energy to cope with challenges we can control.

Identify Gaps

Helen explains that it is important to identify gaps or problems within enterprises to come up with possible measures. She adds that when individuals identify gaps, they are more likely to develop strategies related to their problems. Further, they have the potential to identify their weaknesses and strengths to adjust accordingly.

Outsource Ideas

Helen discusses that individuals and business enterprises cannot live independently during turbulent times. She says they need to borrow ideas from friends and other experts in their field to develop the best strategy. She explains that this approach makes individuals more likely to learn new ways of coping with their problems. Also, they can formulate great strategies using new ideas.

Invest in New Strategies

According to Helen, individuals should spare time and resources to incorporate strategies. For instance, a business owner can take time to teach their personnel new strategies to help the business succeed. Similarly, they can spare some resources within the organization to keep their ideas in action. This ensures that all thoughts are transformed into action, which helps to curb the difficult times.

Monitor Incorporated Strategies

Helen explains that it is essential to monitor incorporated strategies. She explains that this can be achieved by performing regular audits and evaluations. Also, individuals and organizations can involve third parties who can evaluate the performance of incorporated strategies. This will enable them to discover areas that need improvement and take necessary action.

Performance Evaluation

Helen Lee Schifter explains that evaluating the performance of incorporated strategies is the final step of strategy-making during hard times. She says this can be achieved by measuring the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the applied strategies. By doing this, individuals can identify the effectiveness of their selected strategies. Also, they can determine whether it would be best to apply similar strategies or to formulate new, more effective ones. This generally improves the general well-being.

Conclusively, formulating the best strategies during turbulent times is a serious issue. It requires proper preparation, planning, selection, and monitoring of the best strategies. Fortunately, we have discussed various ways discussed by Helen Lee and how anyone can go about it.