You hear things like “I hate you!” or “I don’t want to see you anymore!” and you have no idea where this attitude is coming from. Maybe, it starts with your child not picking up the phone when you call or just refusing to text you back. Perhaps they show up at late to your time together or leave early. Your separated or divorced, overwhelmed and in crisis. You suspect that your ex-spouse may have something to do with this behavior. Sadly, it’s way more common than you may think. Yes, you’re are the victim of Parental Alienation Syndrome. If that is so you might wan to look for something fun at the Soft Play Design store.
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There is truly nothing more devastating than losing a child to Parental Alienation Syndrome. It’s terrifying to believe that you may never talk to your child again and there’s nothing you can do about it. Divorce Coach and Parental Alienation Specialist Susan Shofer offers hope but cautions that it’s a challenging road and you need help. “When you hear a parent talk about the loss of contact or lack of a relationship with their children it just leaves a hole in your heart.”

As a specialist, Susan has seen hundreds of cases of P.A.S. and starts with her clients by first telling him or her that the child being alienated is also a victim. This is of great importance because the first instinct of a parent who’s a victim is to blame the child. This immediately makes the problem worse. “When kids are alienated, they’re essentially brainwashed, and their reality becomes whatever the alienator is telling them.” So what should an alienated parent do?
Susan believes that getting educated is the first step to feeling powerful in this type of crisis. For example, if you have questions regarding child support and family law matters, make sure to speak with a qualified family law attorney for expert legal assistance.
Moreover, the problem is that there’s not a lot of great practical steps out there for a parent to take. “When my child was alienated from me, I rushed to the internet and did extensive research on parental alienation because I didn’t know what it was. I saw a lot of information written by experts but what I didn’t find was stories about how someone overcame it.” Susan did the only thing she could and went to the courts. Fortunately, she had a background as a private investigator and new her way around the legal system. Even with her expertise, it was still an uphill battle and major learning curve.
In Susan’s practice, she takes clients by the hand and guides them through the legal system to seek recourse. Very often the parent who is alienating the child is violating the custody agreement. “You need to have your own judge who knows you and who knows who the players are because you’ll have to live with whatever decision the judge makes.”
Susan also coaches restraint on social media where things can go horribly wrong with just one post. “I would tell anyone going through a divorce to use social media responsibly, and don’t text, email or write anything you wouldn’t want your grandmother to read.” It’s this practical approach to the scourge of Parental Alienation that has allowed Susan to form a new relationship with her own child and has helped her clients do the same. But the need for coaching from a specialist is growing rapidly, so Susan found a way to reach more people.

“Pass on P.A.S.” is a 6-week course that Susan Shofer has developed to reach parents who are not able to meet with her privately. The course begins on Sept 10th and is designed to help alienated parents out of crisis. Because of the nature of the information and the fact that students have direct access to Susan in a group setting only 25 people are allowed entry to each course.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- What Parental Alienation Syndrome really is and why you need to understand it
- Why a parent alienates
- The difference between alienation & abuse and why it’s important to understand them both
- Life in the throes of full-blown alienation for both you and your children
- How to stop alienation in its tracks before it goes too far
- How to handle your ex-spouse
- Strategies to cope with your own emotions so you don’t make a mistake
- How to address alienation when only one child is alienated, and the others are left behind
- How to use the legal system so it becomes an ally and not an adversarial arena
Here’s what You’ll get:
- Direct access to Susan in an online group class setting once per week for 1.5 hours.
- Specific actions and home projects, each week, to help improve your relationship with your child starting with week 1.
- Access to a private Facebook group when you can interact and support each other through this difficult time.
- Additional resources to help you through this challenging and difficult journey of Parental Alienation Syndrome.
- A replay of the group discussion saved for your future reference – available only to your group.
The truth is, if you and your children are victims of Parental Alienation, you need help now. The great thing about this course is that you have direct access to someone who has been through P.A.S. and has helped hundreds of others. You can ask anything, and you will be treated with compassion and respect. It is a phenomenal resource and a chance to get your child back in your life where he or she belongs.