Sean Tissue

How CEOs Manage Time

How CEOs Manage Time

The ability to efficiently manage time and schedule is a skill that can benefit anyone but especially CEOs and other corporate professionals. The ability to effectively keep track of one’s ideas, appointments, and commitments or those of others enables a person to accomplish many tasks efficiently while avoiding distractions. In the fast-paced business world, this skill can make the difference between success and failure, resulting in more productive work days and a more relaxing and fulfilling personal life. The following are the top five ways CEOs of corporations manage their time, according to pain management specialist Jordan Sudberg:

1. Creating A Daily To-Do List

One of the most effective ways to manage time is by creating a daily to-do list. Many free computer programs and apps, as well as printable lists, can be used for this purpose. This type of list serves multiple purposes. First, it allows the CEO to determine what tasks must be accomplished on a given day. This step is beneficial when dealing with an overload of unimportant emails and paperwork that can easily take up an entire day if unchecked. Secondly, it can help keep the CEO from taking on too much at once by keeping them focused on one task at a time. Lastly, it gives the CEO a sense of accomplishment at the end of every day by checking off each task.

2. Keeping on Top of Emails

CEOs are typically inundated with emails and other messages daily. It is up to the individual CEO to determine how they wish to approach this problem. One way is to decide to respond to all emails within 24 hours. This option allows CEOs to focus on higher priorities for the rest of their time. Another approach is to sporadically to emails as they become available throughout the day. This is also quite effective but can prove more challenging to maintain, as emails are received 24/7. One of the most critical steps a CEO can take is to determine how they will respond to incoming emails and then stick to those protocols.

3. Delegating

Delegation is an integral part of a CEO’s job. CEOs are usually responsible for at least one or two high-level employees and some administrative support (depending on company size). It is vital that CEOs delegate tasks even if they can handle them to free up time for more important projects and relationships.

4. Prioritizing

CEOs typically have the most challenging job in their company. The buck stops with them, and they are responsible for the success and failure of the company, regardless of what others think. CEOs need to prioritize tasks, projects, and relationships. They need to understand what is most important and act accordingly.

5. Communicating

CEOs are responsible for staying on top of the latest industry trends and changes and working with colleagues to discuss important issues. A CEO’s communication style is critical in building a successful business. The CEO must have a way to get their point across that the employees understand.
Being a CEO is a dream for many, but as you can see, it comes with several challenges. According to pain management specialist Jordan Sudberg, a CEO needs to be well-rounded and able to work with people, manage their business, communicate with employees, and much more.