Tips For Giving Your Big Data Presentation

Big Data has been a hot topic for many businesses for the last ten years as we have come to realize that those who have the most data will win in business. If you are the head of your data and analytics department, chances are you have been tasked to share your insights within your organization or at businesses conferences around the world and tell people why it matters. This means that you are going to need to learn how to master the art of giving presentations and speaking in public. Especially when your audience doesn’t have the level of data literacy as you do. So you will need to break down the concepts into small digestible pieces of information during the presentation, basically make it simple as possible 

Presentation Objective

The purpose of a presentation may be to inform, to identify a problem and provide a solution, or to persuade or influence the audience. The specific purpose of the presentation will dictate the style of the speaker.

Similarly, the audience is another determining factor when delivering a presentation since this will determine whether specialist terms can be included or rather whether non-specialist jargon is used. The audience will also determine one’s approach when delivering a presentation as it will dictate whether the situation will be a formal or an informal one. So your audience needs to be convinced.

Effective Presentation Skills

The opening of a presentation should aim to greet the audience in a friendly manner and introduce the subject matter of the presentation in a clear and concise manner.

During the delivery of the presentation, many of the professional public speakers on Big Data avoid reading at all costs since this creates a barrier between the speaker and the audience and has the potential risk of losing the audience’s attention altogether. When delivering a presentation one must ensure that the audience is kept interested at all times by delivering an audience focused presentation.

These simple public speaking tips will ensure that a presentation is delivered with success.

  • Speak in a clear and audible manner – using clear diction and a slightly slower pace than that used in a conversation assists in delivering a presentation in an audible and clear tone.
  • Vary the tone of voice – speaking in a monotonous tone will make a presentation boring and exhaust the audience.
  • Utilize non-verbal cues – being enthusiastic about the subject matter will make an interested audience. Aim to make eye-contact, control your gestures and mannerisms and try to smile from time to time.
  • Answer questions professionally – ensure that you do not ignore anyone who wishes to ask a question. Always answer one question at a time.

Dealing with the Audience When Delivering a Presentation

The speaker’s responsibility is to attain the objectives of the presentation and to deliver all the points relating to the subject at hand. Although most of the time the audience is receptive to the delivery of a presentation it is always good practice to be prepared for trying situations by following these simple guidelines:

  • A member who is in disagreement will hardly be convinced during a presentation. If a member interrupts more than once aim to accept the participant’s comments politely but ask politely to continue the discussion in private once the presentation is over.
  • Although audience participation is often welcome, ensure that all the objectives and targets are met within the time frame stipulated. If disruption occurs remind the audience that the set targets will not be met.
  • Avoid entering into an argument at all costs.
  • Any points raised can be listed on a flip chart to avoid the repetition of contentious issues.

Preparation will assist the speaker in delivering a professional and an effective presentation in a confident and efficient manner. And lastly, remember to rehearse the presentation beforehand and try to obtain the constructive criticism of a colleague.